Thursday, September 3, 2009

That will do donkey... that will do

Desperate for blog content, I went a little crazy last night. Heading home from work I passed a field with a few horses, some cows, and 1 small donkey. I've seen this donkey many times on my drive home, but last night, I finally had to do it. I flipped a B at about 40 miles an hour, and pulled up on the gravel outside the pasture, sliding to a stop. Got out my car, and started yelling at the donkey in my best Eddie Murphy Shrek voice. The donkey was completely unimpressed... The horses looked up for a second, but nothing was about to break donkeys mouth from the delicious grass. After a few strange looks from passing cars, and for fear of getting shot by a farmer for harassing his donkey, I got in my car, depressed, and defeated.

I wont give up though... I can't give up. But let me say, gathering blog content aint no walk in the park.

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