Friday, July 31, 2009

Mirror mirror on the wall

Another one where the picture certainly does not do the post justice. Imagine if you filled a magical stomach with: paper mache, pleather, a few parkers painter paper hats, and a loose fitting pair of black 80's track pants. What would that magical stomach crap out you might ask? This dudes pants.

I had never seen anything like em. I wanted to pull a Costanza and casually feel his material.

While certainly everyone is free to look and dress however they like. I have always wondered; when someone comes out of their home with pants like these on, or a fanny pack, a mullet, denim on denim etc... Do they look in the mirror before they leave home? Does it cross their mind that they are about to embark on a solo mission of ridiculousness? Differen't strokes for differen't folks sure, but, I would just hope that when people get ready to leave the house in the morning, at the very least they take a look in the ol' mirror, and say "you know what world, I'm doing the best I can with the cards I was dealt." Unfortunately, humans daily, prove this to be a tall, tall order.

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